Senegal |
Countries |
SN |
Speaking Naturally |
Education |
SN |
social network |
Other |
SN |
Starting Number |
Business |
SN |
Seaman Apprentice |
Military |
SN |
Seaman |
Military |
SN |
sodium nitrate |
British Medicine |
SN |
sensorineural |
British Medicine |
SN |
Student Nominee |
University |
SN |
Scaling Number |
Computer and Networking |
SN |
Swogun Nepal |
Organization |
SN |
Organization |
SN |
Sanchez Energy Corporation |
NASDAQ Symbol |
SN |
Spirit of Newark |
Organization |
SN |
supernumerary |
British Medicine |
SN |
Service Node |
Computer and Networking |
SN |
Sis-Nepal |
Organization |
SN |
Single Node |
Computer Networking |
SN |
Sarah Neko |
Popular |
SN |
Sanatorio Núñez |
Medical |
SN |
silver nitrate |
British Medicine |
SN |
Solar Network |
Space Science |
SN |
State Name |
Local State |
SN |
Static Name |
Networking |
SN |
Senior Net |
Internet Slang |
SN |
Super Namek |
Other |
SN |
Synchronization Node |
Military |
SN |
(code for National Military Strategic Blueprint Functions) |
Military |
SN |
Serial Number |
Business |
SN |
Source Name |
University |
SN |
Static Node |
Computer Networking |
SN |
Small Nuclear |
Military and Defence |
SN |
staff nurse |
British Medicine |
SN |
Shelter Network |
Organization |
SN |
Seaman - Navy |
Military and Defence |
Sn |
Self Normalizing |
Physics Related |
SN |
Sequence Number |
Computing |
SN |
Stannum (tin) |
Chemistry |
Sn |
Service de la sante publique - Neuchatel |
Medical |
SN |
Southern Nations |
Regional |
SN |
Space Network |
SN |
tin |
Chemistry |
SN |
Satoshi Nakamoto |
Names and Nicknames |
SN |
Samsuntha Nepal |
Organization |
SN |
Compressed song file (Sound Club editor) |
File Extension |
SN |
substantia nigra |
British Medicine |
SN |
Indian Railway Station |
SN |
Sine Nomine |
Latin |
SN |
Shona |
Regional 2 Letter LanguageCode |
SN |
Squadron Name |
Military |
SN |
supernatant |
British Medicine |
SN |
Signetics |
Government Supplier |
SN |
Screen Name |
Internet Slang |
SN |
Safe Nepal |
Organization |
SN |
Sustainability Network |
Organization |
SN |